The humans.txt file explains the technology, and assets behind this site. _______________________________________________________________________________ PEOPLE Owner: Trung Ho ( Email: _______________________________________________________________________________ TECHNOLOGY Jekyll (for building static web) Mickey Theme (Jekyll theme that I use to get start my own website) Github Page (for hosting from your GitHub repository) jQuery (don't need to explain :D) Sass (preprocessor css) Gulp (task runner) Gulp plugins: : concurrent-transform : gulp-autoprefixer : gulp-clean-css : gulp-rename : gulp-sass : gulp-changed : gulp-concat : gulp-uglify : gulp-uncss : gulp-image-resize : gulp-imagemin Browsersync (for live-server & for testing UI in multi-devices) Snap svg (for svg animation) Cloudflare (for https & optimization) Disqus (free commenting service) Codepen (for marking code example) Codrops (a web design and development blog that has great inspirational articles for font-end dev) _______________________________________________________________________________ GRAPHIC ASSETS Lato (font) Cabin Sketch (font) Short Stack (font) Icomoon (icons) _______________________________________________________________________________ IMAGES ASSETS Unsplash (Free high-resolution photos)